3D Gaussian Parametric Head Model

ECCV 2024

Yuelang Xu1, Lizhen Wang1, Zerong Zheng2, Zhaoqi Su1, Yebin Liu1

1Tsinghua University 2NNKosmos Technology


Creating high-fidelity 3D human head avatars is crucial for applications in VR/AR, telepresence, digital human interfaces, and film production. Recent advances have leveraged morphable face models to generate animated head avatars from easily accessible data, representing varying identities and expressions within a low-dimensional parametric space. However, existing methods often struggle with modeling complex appearance details, e.g., hairstyles and accessories, and suffer from low rendering quality and efficiency. This paper introduces a novel approach, 3D Gaussian Parametric Head Model, which employs 3D Gaussians to accurately represent the complexities of the human head, allowing precise control over both identity and expression. Additionally, it enables seamless face portrait interpolation and the reconstruction of detailed head avatars from a single image. Unlike previous methods, the Gaussian model can handle intricate details, enabling realistic representations of varying appearances and complex expressions. Furthermore, this paper presents a well-designed training framework to ensure smooth convergence, providing a robust guarantee for learning the rich content. Our method achieves high-quality, photo-realistic rendering with real-time efficiency, making it a valuable contribution to the field of parametric head models.


Fig 1. We utilize hybrid datasets comprising captured multi-view video data and rendered image data from 3D scans for training our model. The trained model can be manipulated using decoupled identity and expression codes to produce a diverse array of high-fidelity head models. When presented with an image, our model can be adjusted to reconstruct the portrait in the image and edit the expression according to any other desired expressions.


Demo Video


                title={3D Gaussian Parametric Head Model},
                author={Xu, Yuelang and Wang, Lizhen and Zheng, Zerong and Su, Zhaoqi and Liu, Yebin},
                booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},


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